Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 4: Programming

function Update() {


function swordenable(){

gameObject.tag = "player_weapon";
yield WaitForSeconds(1);
gameObject.tag = "Untagged";

Code which solves the previous weeks problem. Now the dagger is only active for one second after you hit the attack button.

Week 4: Texturing

Week 3: Modeling

Week 3: Programming

function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider)
if(other.gameObject.tag == "player_weapon")
SendMessageUpwards ("Assasination");


This code is on a collider behind the enemy and when you sneak up behind him and attack him he will die in one hit. A problem that I am having is that the sword object is always active. So even without hitting the attack button it will kill then enemy. One way to solve this problem is im am going to change the name of the collider for the sword and only change it when the attack button is pressed and then change it back in a couple of seconds.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 2: Programming

Worked with robin getting the core mechanic started so far we have coliders on the end of the swords. We need to get the enemy prefab and not with a static variable. We will also get the enemy dying with a hit to the back and front attacks take atleast three hits.

Week 2: Level Design

Added my puzzle into level one designed by Dan. Dan and I also lightmapped the scene so it doesnt require lights in unity. Feedback: Make boxes bigger turn falling ones red.

Week 2: Texturing

Week 2: Modeling