Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Programming: Test Enviornment 03: One shadow collider

Light map created for unity

UVoutline of level 3

Overview shot in unity of the shadow collider in the scene, scene is lit with no lights

Mesh for shadow collider, this collider is ignored in unity and is used as a mesh collider. This is now used for the shadows instead of creating a ton of colliders I have one collider now.

Level 3 After Modifications
Level 3 before modifications

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Animation: Character Walk cycle

Need to animate upper back

Animation: Character Idle

I only animated the arm I need to animate the head and bring the elbow up a little more also the entire body as well needs to be animated

Monday, August 23, 2010

Programming: Test Enviornment 03: Shader Script...

Scipt if your in a shadow

Script to enter stealth mode

GameContorller Script

Programming: Test Enviornment 03: Enemy Collider/Move Script

The enemy script (prefab) modified a bit

the enemy collider script modified a bit, includes "SendMessageUpwards" another way to avoid all enemies attacking at once

top overview of Test Enviornment 3

Angle Shot of Test Envionment #3

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Test Level Enviorment 03: Shader Script

Heres a script we can use so our char is trans/shadowing everytime hes in the shadows and when he is in the light is alpha is 100%

Heres a script where the enemies detect you in the light but not in the shadows

Voronoi Shatter in Unity

Heres some cool effects for our game I create this scene in maya and got it imported into unity.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Texturing: Reference

Moutain texture

hieroglyphics texture

pillar texture

Level Design: Level 3 Concept

to explain first you start in the bottom circle room proceed to the left to the cave make it to the Bridge that breaks at cetain wooden spots to drop you down to the lower level where there are more enemies if your quick enough you can get past the 1 enemy on the bridge proceed next to the sun puzzle to break the pile of rocks blocking the passage wich also triggers the boss to be released once you get through there you select and unlock doors untill you find the stairway door which contains a piece of your father but once you drop down you face the mini boss before you exit.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Test Enviornment 04

Here is a screenshot of dan's puzzle design in unity
and heres the script used to run it